Whole House Music Suite Icon

Whole House Music Suite

A program for the PC composing of a Client and a Server software.

Whole House Music SuiteOverview

The "Whole House Music Suite" is a program for the PC composing of a Client and a Server software. When installed in a network, and the Server is connected to an audio receiver or a home theater receiver, the Client can then control the Server allowing the user ("Client") to select and play music on the Server computer.

As opposed to numerous Media Servers currently available on the market, "Whole House Music Suite" is a very inexpensive solution. Basically, if you already have an existing LAN (Local Area Network) in your house, and have an old PC that has Windows XP installed, then this software will be a viable solution to providing your house with a totally controllable whole house music solution.

If you have to buy the hubs, network cards, or the client PC's plus this software just to get a whole house music solution. Then this solution might not be very cost effective, you may be better off buying a Media Server from other vendors.

Other than that, for you people who has extra PC's lying around, and an exising LAN already installed, you may want to consider our inexpensive solution for a complete whole house system.

Whole house music is available on brand new houses mostly as an option. This is where they have in-wall speakers, in-ceiling speakers, and/or outdoor speakers all wired up to a central location (Media Server) and depending on options installed, will allow the user to play the same music throughout the whole house (all speakers), or different music from different speakers (zones) located in various Locations of the house.

Depending on the type of speakers used, the type of media servers purchased, this can be a very expensive option added to new houses. Like some people, they usually want to wire the house after they have moved into it.

Whether you have pre-wired your wires and speakers, our software only solution is very inexpensive, and gives you total control of the music in your system.


Fixed some bugs.

Whole House Music SuiteInformation

File Size
Operating Systems
Windows XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT
System Requirements
No additional system requirements.
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